
Not to deteriorate or alter any biotic, geological, cultural or, in general, landscape resource


Not to produce significant alterations to the processes and natural functioning of ecosystems and the behavioural patterns of living beings.


Not to dump or abandon objects or solid or liquid waste outside the places specifically designated for this purpose.


To be responsible for waste collection and disposal when this service is not provided by other entities.


Not to carry out practices that may cause soil erosion, changes in natural drainage patterns or loss of soil in general.


Not to light fires outside the areas specifically designated for this purpose, nor to create a fire risk.


Do not produce noise that disturbs the tranquillity of the area or wildlife.


Minimise use of artificial lighting and restrict it to cover orientation, security and emergency needs.

Source: Orden de 20 de Marzo de 2003, conjunta de las Consejerías de Turismo y Deporte y de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía.